
This year’s 12th Annual Arizona AFL-CIO Labor Day Luncheon was a powerful reminder of what makes our labor movement so special. As we came together to celebrate the theme, "It’s Better In A Union," I was struck by the sense of unity, purpose, and strength in the room. Our union family, elected officials, and community partners gathered to honor the hard work of those who fight every day and to reflect on the progress we’ve made as we continue the fight for a better tomorrow.


The day began with an important land acknowledgment from Ervin Jackson, President of the Nal-Nishi Central Labor Council, reminding us to honor the indigenous communities on whose land we stand. 


One of the most meaningful parts of the luncheon was the tribute to our beloved Brother Sam Newsome. His dedication to our movement is unmatched, and it was an honor to present the 1st Annual Sam Newsome Activist of the Year Award to Joe Diggs of the APRI Phoenix Chapter. Joe’s leadership, passion, and commitment to advancing the rights of working people carry on Sam’s legacy. Watching the tribute video and hearing Joe’s words was a reminder that our movement is built on the shoulders of giants like Brother Sam.


We also recognized another outstanding leader, Aaron Butler, Business Manager of UA Local 469 and President of the Arizona State Building Trades and Construction Council, with the Labor Leader of the Year Award. Aaron’s tireless work on behalf of union members has strengthened our movement and lifted up countless workers and their families.


As always, we were proud to highlight the essential role of politics in our fight. Congressman Ruben Gallego, who received the Elected Leader of the Year Award, has been a steadfast ally for working families in Arizona. Though Ruben couldn’t join us in person, his video message reminded us of the critical need for labor voices in politics, especially as we continue to push for policies that protect workers and their rights.


Our keynote speaker, Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis, brought her wealth of experience as a leader in the labor movement and in government. Hilda’s words were a powerful call to action, reminding us that when workers stand together, we can achieve incredible things.


Finally, one of the most touching moments of the afternoon was the recognition of our stewards—the unsung heroes of our unions. These hardworking individuals are the backbone of our movement, always on the frontlines to protect our jobs, our rights, and our dignity. We honored them with a special video, but the applause they received spoke volumes about the deep respect we all have for the work they do.


For those who couldn’t join us or want to relive the experience, I encourage you to click here to view our digital program, where you’ll find videos, photos, and more from this unforgettable day. 


As we move forward, let’s remember the words we’ve always known to be true: It’s better in a union.










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