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Baptists Back Bioethics 
September 6, 2024
by Kristina Twitty, Eagle Forum National Issues Chair for Bioethics
Join us September 26-28 in St. Louis for Eagle Council 52 to hear Kristina Twitty address the moral and ethical implications of unregulated in vitro fertilization. Register today!  Other speakers include Dr. Peter McCollough; our Homemaker of the Year Mrs. Tania Beck and her husband Glenn, and state Attorneys General Andrew Bailey (MO) and Steve Marshall (AL).

On February 16, 2024, the Alabama State Supreme Court handed down a decision affirming the value of frozen human embryos, produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Since that time, the media has been writing the news rather than reporting it. With headlines that lead the reader to a false conclusion, reporters confuse the public rather than inform us.

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EAGLE COUNCIL 52  SEPT. 26-28, 2024  ST. LOUIS, MO
JUST CONFIRMED:  GLENN BECK will speak as well as his wife, Tania Beck, our Full-time Homemaker of the Year Award recipient!  You don’t want to miss meeting the Becks at Eagle Council 52 and hear what they have to share!
Register Today!

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