Imagine tens of millions more immigrants in U.S. labor pool today if bad bills hadn't been defeated! As we fight to extend the 'immigration halt' to guest workers, remember what you've stopped in the past. Dear John - As U.S. unemployment continues to rise, consider the following: What if there were 33 million more Americans with lifetime work permits to compete in today's collapsed labor markets? I'll tell you below how that almost happened.
Think about it. Right now, there are 30 million people who have been thrown out of work during these shutdowns. The government is spending trillions of dollars trying to prevent the economic destruction that joblessness will cause. And that's for an economic problem that has existed for not much more than a month. For weeks, NumbersUSA activists and staff pressured the Trump Administration to stop Congress's auto-pilot federal programs that continued importing immigrants and other foreign workers into our already bloated workforce. Pres. Trump took the first step last week and paused the Visa Lottery and most employment based and family chain immigration. We know unemployed Americans need even more protection, so that when jobs open up they will be the ones getting them. That's why our Action system is in full drive to press the Administration to extend the pause to nearly all guest worker programs, as well. Can you imagine how much worse the situation would be if any of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" bills of the last two decades had passed -- the ones that the NumbersUSA network of activists led the way in defeating? Consider just one of them -- the bill in 2007. We projected that in the first 10 years if the bill passed that 33 million immigrants would be added. More than a tripling in the first 10 years alone! We didn't need those extra workers then, and we most certainly don't need them now. Together, you, our members, said "No!" With the help of NumbersUSA's Action Board, you sent millions of letters to Congress telling them you wouldn't tolerate that. You made so many phone calls that for days on end, the switchboards were jammed. And together, we won. Partly in response in the years since, Congress has made it a lot harder for their constituents to reach them. But we didn't stop. We turned to social media. On Facebook alone, people saw one of our messages more than one billion times in a single year. Hundreds of millions of people have watched our Immigration by the Numbers video on YouTube. But the task remains so vast. Last year, one million guest workers entered the United States in addition to permanent immigration which has been averaging more than a million a year. Poll after poll is finding that two-thirds or more of American voters now favor a total pause in permanent and temporary migration. We're continuing to fight... Our one-click faxes are back. These now allow you to log back into your discreet, personalized NumbersUSA accounts by clicking a single link (like this one). That way, your elected officials know you're one of their constituents when they receive a letter from you... and your letter gets read. We're going to keep moving forward... with our candidate scorecards, our congressional grade cards, our social media messaging, our advertisements. But our Action funds are down... way down. No surprise there, huh? If we're going to keep pressing ahead, if we're going to take maximum advantage of the tools and resources we've built, we need your help. We need to pay for all this. I know so many of you out there are hurting in this economy. You're who we're fighting for. Everything we offer will remain free. I'm only trying to remind those fortunate people who can give in these troubled times to remember we're still here, and our mission is as clear and vital as ever. If you're one of those people who still has the money to pay the bills and can think of helping others have a voice in their government, please give today.
Our opposition's backers look to make hundreds of billions of dollars off cheap labor. So they can invest a lot of money pushing their expansionist point of view. But in one sense, our task is much easier than our opposition's: The American public largely already agrees with us. We just have to uncover what people in Washington are really up to, and then help the voters say, "We know what you're up to!" That's why your donation goes so far! You should also know that we've gotten top marks from organizations like the Better Business Bureau, Charity Navigator, America's Best Charities and Guidestar. If you want to help American workers get back on their feet, there's no better way than to give to NumbersUSA. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Stay well, Dan Marsh P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |