John, for kids everywhere, getting an education is the key to building better and brighter futures.
For some children, it's not about going back to school but staying in school. 12-year-old Fardowsa* lives in Ethiopia, where widespread droughts have dried up water sources, killed crops and reduced livestock supplies. Because of this, her family faced skyrocketing food prices and struggled to support themselves.
These tough conditions, which can put pressure on families to marry off their daughters before adulthood, put Fardowsa at greater risk of gender-based violence, limited education access and child marriage.
But, with the help of our supporters, Save the Children was able to provide Fardowsa's family with financial relief through cash grants so she could avoid early marriage and stay in school. Now, she’s not only on track to live out her dreams, she’s also fighting for the rights of other kids in her community.
Your gift donation supports programs dedicated to helping girls and boys living in challenging environments learn, grow and thrive.
Thank you for all that you do for children and their families,
Karen Demeter
Save the Children
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