Fellow American,

When I'm not in Washington, DC, I've been campaigning across the country with Republican candidates in tight races in order to protect and expand our Conservative House Majority. I have one candidate circled on my calendar as a TOP-TARGET race that we can flip red this November: Rob Bresnahan Jr. in PA-08.

There are not many American Patriots that I'd rather support other than Rob. He's a remarkable candidate who I know will stand strong with conservatives in the House. To that end, I recorded an important video message with Rob for you, friend.

Mike Johnson

Rob is one of the best candidates we could have recruited across the country. We are going to win this seat back! President Trump won it in 2020, and we can flip it red. Help us by sending a donation of any amount.

Every donation matters; it all adds up. We are going to SAVE this country with the help of great candidates like Rob Bresnahan Jr.

I'm humbly asking you to send in a donation of $5, $25, or $50 ASAP.

God bless you, and thanks for helping.

Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House


PO Box 971, Pittston, PA 18640
Copyright © 2024 Rob Bresnahan for Congress, All rights reserved.
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