Team --

The situation: At midnight, we’ll close the books on our end-of-month fundraising goal. We’re falling behind where we want to be, so we need your help to catch up.

Why this matters: Our fundraising has taken an expected dip over the last month and now we need a surge of grassroots support if we want to get back on track for the second quarter of this all-important election year.

Our job: Collect as many grassroots donations from folks like you as possible before the clock strikes midnight to show how strong our people-powered movement to take back the Senate is.

The ask: Can we count on you to donate $10 or more before our midnight deadline to stand with Jon and other Democrats as we work to take back the Senate?

Donate now

Our thanks: Jon relies on everyday folks like you to power our movement, not corporate billionaires or special interests. That’s why we can’t do this without you and we’re so grateful for your support.

— Team Tester

P.S. If you can’t afford to donate right now, that’s okay. Too many folks are facing financial hardship right now, and the most important thing you can do is to take care of yourself and your loved ones.