From Christy Gleason <[email protected]>
Subject [TIME SENSITIVE] Demand action on child hunger
Date September 6, 2024 4:31 PM
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Save the Children Action Network is the political voice for kids.
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Right now, millions of children are suffering from severe malnutrition. Our nation can lead the fight against global hunger. Ask your lawmakers to sign the pledge NOW. [[link removed]]
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John, do you know what malnutrition does to a child?
Without enough nutritious food – especially in a child’s first 1,000 days – their mental and physical development is permanently altered. Children are more likely to get sick and die because their immune systems are too weak to fend off disease. The kids who survive often can’t focus at school and end up earning less as adults.
As global disasters rise, more and more kids are facing this risk.
Like 13-year-old Kanchan, whose village in Laos has been devastated by floods. The latest bout destroyed her family’s paddy and cassava crops, pushing them into hunger.
“I’m worried about our future,” Kanchan says. To get by, her grandmother ventures out to catch fish and harvest bamboo – but they can’t live this way forever.
No child deserves to grow up like this, John. If you agree, speak up today. [[link removed]]
Take Action [[link removed]]
When the U.S. invests in building a better world for children, other countries follow suit.
That’s why some members of Congress wrote a powerful, bipartisan letter to the Biden-Harris Administration, demanding a stronger stance against malnutrition.
We need more lawmakers to sign this letter ahead of next week’s U.N. General Assembly, where world leaders will meet to discuss critical global challenges.
Please, urge Congress to step up so every child, everywhere, has a chance to reach their potential. [[link removed]]
Thanks for being a voice for kids,
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Christy Gleason
Executive Director
Save the Children Action Network
Kids need your voice and your compassionate support. Your donation will help hold lawmakers – from the White House to state houses – accountable to children’s needs. Please donate today – even $5 can make a difference! [[link removed]]
Save the Children Action Network | 899 North Capitol Street NE | Suite 900 | Washington
District of Columbia 20002 | (800) 243-5075
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