An integral part of our work is to make sure exonerees have a smooth transition to life outside of prison. And like a lot of people, many of our exonerees are struggling right now during this unprecedented crisis.
That’s why we expanded our Exoneree Fund to help people cover basic necessities. We’re so grateful that so many have stepped up to support those in need — and we want you to know how these donations are being put to use.
Earlier this month, a former client’s spouse came home from the hospital after receiving COVID-19 treatment. To keep everyone safe, we turned to the Exoneree Fund to pay for a hotel temporarily, to limit our client’s chances of also getting sick.
An exoneree reached out to us as well. He’d been making money primarily through public speaking engagements — of course, in this environment, all of his events had to be cancelled, making earning a living impossible right now. Then, his car broke down and he was unable to get the groceries and supplies he needed. Thanks to the Exoneree Fund, we were able to quickly pay for his car repairs.
For many of our exonerated clients who are still trying to rebuild their lives after years — sometimes decades — of wrongful incarceration, the generosity our supporters have shown is truly appreciated.
The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.