Join us to kick off our general election campaign!

🌹 Wednesday Night: Workers Deserve More! 🌹

The US political and economic system is failing the working class. Millions struggle with low wages, dangerous working conditions, and limited control over our own lives, all while the top one percent has gotten richer and richer. Enough is enough: Workers deserve more!


Next Wednesday night, join us for our Workers Deserve More Socialist Slate Kickoff! Meet new comrades, learn about our plan to fight for a better tomorrow, and hear from DSA candidates Gabriel Sanchez and Devin Barrington-Ward about our campaigns!

In the 2024 elections, working people have few good options. We recognize that a second Trump victory would be catastrophic for the international working class. At the same time, corporate Democratic elites are embracing Trump's racist immigration policies and supporting genocide against the Palestinian people. We must build a working-class movement to fight for a future free from exploitation and oppression. 


That's why DSA is putting forward a bold alternative course of action. In our 2024 program, “Workers Deserve More,” we present our vision for Socialism in the United States. Join us Wednesday night to discuss our agenda and learn how you can get involved in our movement!

In Solidarity,
Atlanta DSA Electoral Committee

Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few