Our message to annual conference in Manchester



What an exciting conference this is for the Green Party! What an amazing year it has been so far.?


We went into the general election in July clear that only the Green Party is offering the real hope and real change that people want to see.?


People up and down the country were looking for something different. And we're so happy to say that two million have found it with us.?


We promised voters during the campaign that we will work collaboratively with Labour and the other parties where they are heading in the right direction.


But we also promised to hold them to account when they are off track. Already we have our work cut out.?


Because in so many areas we care about, Labour is getting it wrong, like denying winter fuel allowance to millions of low income pensioners, giving the green light to climate wrecking airport expansion, and sticking with the cruelty of the two child benefit cap.?


Just this week we heard from Labour that they intend to cut the nature-friendly farming budget when we are already one of the most nature depleted countries in the world.?


It is a devastating move - a political choice which shows lack of ambition and a severe misunderstanding of the climate and nature crisis.
? ?
Now is not the time for doing more of the same and hoping for different results.


As Greens we counter Labour's message of doom and gloom. Things can get better - and fast - but only if the new Government has the courage to invest.

Sian, Carla, Adrian and Ellie standing together outside houses of parliament.

In a few weeks' time, we will see the first new budget from this Government and predictably we expect to hear there will be no new money.?


Labour will say there is no other way but that's not true. Labour just lacks the ambition and vision to do things differently.


We are one of the richest economies in the world. We have options for raising the money we so desperately need to invest in our public services.?


We proudly championed a wealth tax during the general election and we will do the same on Budget Day.?


All four of us Green MPs want to ensure positive, ambitious, inspiring climate action is at the top of the Government agenda.?


Ambitious,? because the climate emergency continues, and while Labour is beginning to grasp what's required when it comes to clean electricity, they havn't yet understood the need to transform every sector of our economy. ?


Insulating our homes is a win win win for the climate, our pockets and quality of life.?


The science is also super clear - there must be now new oil and gas.?


It's nothing new to say too that our health and social care system is at breaking point. Leaving it to crumble is another political choice.?


As Greens we know there are positive alternatives to more cutbacks. Investing in the NHS at the level needed to nurse it back to health and join it up with a reasonable offer on social care is possible.


The numbers stack up. It can be paid for through a fair tax system that sees the super rich, with the broadest shoulders, bear the greatest costs. ? ?

Support for the Green Party is growing everywhere, in all kinds of communities, in places traditionally red or historically blue, people are choosing something different.


So, we will be using our voices in Parliament to stand up for investing in our public services, protecting our environment, and tackling poverty and inequality.?


We will be using our voices to raise up the voices of everyone in this country who wants so much better - real hope and real change for everyone.?
So, whether you are a first time Green voter or have voted Green at every opportunity. Whether you knocked on hundreds of doors during the campaign or chatted to neighbours over the garden fence. Whether you opened up your home and hosted an action day or just opened up your hearts to our message of hope.?


This is what real hope looks like - it looks like you.?


Together, things will get better if we continue to do things differently, challenge Labour to be bolder and invest in a fairer, greener future for everyone. ?


Thank you for your support and please make a donation if you can to help us continue to make history.


Best wishes?

Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ