Environmental Investigation Agency

Whaling body is not a ‘zombie’ convention

With the 40th anniversary of the global ban on commercial whaling approaching, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has been on the receiving end of criticism that it has done its job and should disband. This is a view EIA does not share as we believe it is more relevant than ever to conserving the world’s whales, dolphins and porpoises. The recent article in Nature urged “Dismantle ‘zombie’ wildlife protection conventions once their work is done”, arguing the IWC has outlived its usefulness.

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The women beekeepers championing coexistence

World Elephant Day was on 12 August and to mark the occasion we were pleased to share a fascinating guest blog by Francesca Mahoney of Wild Survivors about an amazing project in Tanzania which empowers women while addressing human-elephant conflict.

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Time to talk tigers

In the last of our special series of podcasts talking with senior campaigners about their history with EIA, the latest episode of What on Earth? is pleased to feature guest Debbie Banks, the leader of our Tigers and Wildlife Crime campaign.

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