PFAW Member, With just hours left until our April deadline we’re still $13,777 behind our overall funding budget, and here’s why that’s terrible news: More than any other crisis of the Trump era – and there have been many – the coronavirus pandemic has put into stark contrast the urgency of getting Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Trump’s other Republican enablers THE HELL OUT OF OFFICE. Americans are dying because of their lies, incompetence, and misplaced priorities. Trump Republicans continue to put corporate profits over people’s lives … political vendettas ahead of the public health … power grabs in front of voters’ right to cast a ballot and actually elect their leaders. Our 2020 electoral programs have adapted – and are still adapting – but they are still going full swing, and in some cases, are becoming even more resource-intensive. Instead of just reaching voters and mobilizing volunteers to make calls and knock on doors, it’s now even more important that we educate people about how they can access voting with vote by mail, early voting, and other solutions. We now need to train volunteers and activists on new methods of digital voter contact. And we need to fight, more ferociously than ever, on Capitol Hill and in the states, for the resources to secure our elections and against right-wing efforts to suppress the vote. This work demands the support of Americans who are committed to saving our democracy and, yes, financial support is a big part of that. Mitch McConnell is fighting against state and local governments getting federal relief to save the jobs of teachers, firefighters, police, sanitation workers, and others. In his view – and in his own words – states should instead go bankrupt, which would cost tens of thousands of Americans their jobs, and force states to dissolve pensions and end vital services that are even more important as families and communities struggle through this crisis. Trump and McConnell also want to tie state relief funding to giving immunity to companies that endanger their workers and the public by re-opening too early, against the advice of public health experts and scientists. Meanwhile, the ultra-wealthy and Big Business – especially in sectors like real estate and hedge funds – are seeing massive windfalls from the GOP’s so-called “tax-relief” provisions in emergency legislation … and the $500 billion in loans to big corporations from the Fed doesn’t have any of the same strings attached as congressional appropriations, requiring companies to use the money to preserve jobs and not simply use it as a free financial windfall for executives and shareholders. Now, Trump, never missing a chance to attack immigrants, is also talking about tying aid to the states to their willingness to adopt his position against sanctuary cities! It’s cruel and it’s stupid. And it needs to stop. And the only way to stop them is to beat them. And for that to happen, quite simply put, we need to make our budgets and fund our work in full. And for that we need you, our amazing, dedicated members. Thank you for everything you do and for your shared commitment to this fight. Onward, Ben Betz, Digital and Organizing Director