"Abolish Open Borders" Bumper Sticker

Citizens on Lockdown, Aliens Released?
Donate $5 A Month To Support ICE!

For twenty years, VDARE.com has championed the need for lockdown on our Border, enforcement of our laws and protection of America as our forefathers intended, “for ourselves and our posterity”.

Show your support by signing up for a $5 monthly automatic donation and get a three-pack of American-made “Abolish Open Borders” or “ICE is nice!” heavy duty vinyl stickers shipped right to your door as our special thank you.

Get your sticker and rock it proudly on your computer, your neighborhood light pole, your car or your window—or wherever you please! Then tell your friends so they can get one too!

Donations of any amount are welcome, but if you’re not sure, we’ve put together some suggestions—and special thank-you gifts to go along with them:
"ICE is Nice!" Sticer
We must act now to counter to this growing threat. American would be left completely defenseless without ICE, and that’s why they want it gone.

There is much to do beyond building the wall: E-Verify. An end to chain migration. No more birthright citizenship. English as the official language. Immigration Moratorium.

VDARE.com supporters know that ICE is a vital part of the defense of our nation. As immigration patriots, we stand for the dignity of the historic American nation and the right of the American people to decide what our country is and isn’t, against the globalist agenda.
And that why we’re fighting to support ICE. Join us!

VDARE Foundation, PO Box 211, Litchfield, Connecticut 06759, United States | unsubscribe