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Thursday, April 30, 2020
Fast-Track Ahead of Print:

Thousands Of Lives Could Be Saved In The US During The COVID-19 Pandemic If States Exchanged Ventilators
By Daniel Adelman

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, concerns have been raised about a nationwide shortage of mechanical ventilators, a necessary element in saving lives. With the peak number of COVID-19 cases varying by state, there have already been voluntary exchange efforts to make ventilators available when and where they are needed most. Daniel Adelman assesses the benefits of a potential nationwide logistical operation, to be organized and administered by the US military. Read More >>



The Harm Of A Colorblind Allocation Of Scarce Resources
By Nathan T. Chomilo, Nia Heard-Garris, Malini DeSilva, and Uché Blackstock

To achieve equitable access to and distribution of care, critical race theory must be a part of the process utilized to create broad, population-focused guidelines. This is particularly true in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is stressing both our health care system and society. Read More >>

In Case Parenting Wasn’t Hard Enough...Here Comes Coronavirus: How One Health System Offers Support
By Rob Lott

Since 2015, Parent Connext has embedded “parenting specialists”experienced counselors within the offices of a Cincinnati health system’s pediatrics practices. We spoke to the program’s director about how it's helping families cope with the coronavirus pandemic. Read More >>


The Health Care System Is An Untapped Resource In Combating Social Isolation And Loneliness In Older Adults
By Dan G. Blazer and Lisa Marsh Ryerson

Loneliness and social isolation are linked to more hospitalizations and more readmissions among older adults, while chronic loneliness is associated with more doctors’ visits.


Anchor Businesses Can Be Change Makers For Community Health Improvement
By Megan McHugh, Claude R. Maechling, and Jane L. Holl (4/27/20)

Among the priority areas for Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams is the link between the health of a community and economic prosperity. Many business leaders have offered wellness benefits to their employees, but leaders have historically felt less responsibility for advancing the health of the community at-large. An RWJF program looks at how anchor businesses could advance health and well-being—and build a culture of health—in their communities. Read More >>

COVID-19: It's Time For Foundations To Be The Life-Saving Difference
By Elizabeth Ripley (4/21/20)

The CEO of a foundation in Alaska discusses its essential roles in supporting its grantees, and, in turn, the entire community, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this real "philanthropic emergency," the foundation recognized that it needed to do some different things. For example, it has been working with local mayors on unified strategic communications to fill the COVID-19 information gap experienced by some residents. Read More >>

What Are Foundations Doing In The Fight Against COVID-19? Part II
By Lee-Lee Prina (4/7/20)

More and more foundations that fund in health are coming forward to help people during this difficult time—sometimes with funding, sometimes with useful information. Look for Part III of this series soon. Read More >>

Affairs COVID-19 Resource Center



Treating Children, Coaching Their Parents
By Rob Lott

The Parent Connext program in Cincinnati, Ohio, integrates social services for families into pediatric care visits. Read More >>

(See also on Health Affairs Blog: "In Case Parenting Wasn’t Hard Enough...Here Comes Coronavirus: How One Health System Offers Support.")


Funders Support Integrating Health And Social Services
By Lee L. Prina

Aligning with the theme of the journal's April 2020 issue, which is Integrating Social Services & Health, the April GrantWatch column contains examples of foundation-funded efforts in related areas. These include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Systems for Action national research program; a National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine report—funded by numerous foundations—on integrating social care into health care delivery; the Kresge Foundation's grants to five counties to integrate health and human services systems; and more. In the Key Personnel Changes section, read about Debbie Chang's new job and the new president and CEO of Grantmakers In Health. Read More >>

A CLOSER LOOK—World Health Organization

In April 2017, Ashish K. Jha wrote about the race to restore confidence in the World Health Organization (WHO) on Health Affairs Blog. The author asks, “In this now crowded stage, critics (from member states to prominent thought leaders) are asking, does the WHO still have a role?”

Pre-order next month's issue!
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Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Published monthly by Project HOPE, the journal is available in print and online. Late-breaking content is also found through, Health Affairs Today, and Health Affairs Sunday Update.  

Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

Copyright © Project HOPE: The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
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