Hey Fellow Conservative,

If you know me, you know I hate fundraising.

I want to focus my time on advancing policies to defend Texas and America against radical liberals. But to do that, I need resources.

Here's where you come in. A few years ago we started the Come and Take It Club. This group commits to giving our campaign $15 a month for insider legislative updates, special merch, and other perks. In exchange, I can cut my time fundraising and focus on meeting voters and fighting for conservative values.

I'm trying to rally 3,000 Patriots like you to commit to a small monthly gift and join the Club. We already have about 2,000. What do you think, Fellow Conservative? Can you help me out and join the Come and Take It Club?
Yes, I'll join! →
This could be a tough election year. 

Wendy Davis and Beto O'Rourke are helping Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi try to Turn Texas Blue. They've already endorsed my opponent. 

We MUST stop the illegal immigration, non-citizen voting, high inflation, and all the other issues our country has faced under the corrupt Joe Biden/Kamala Harris regime.

I want to stop the massive growth of government stifling our lives and the woke nonsense infecting our culture. Let Texas be Texas and let people live their lives. Will you help me?
Fellow Conservative: Join the Come and Take It Club →
Thank you and God bless. 

For Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
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