
We are LIVE! Our Surviving the “Rona” DiSaster statewide people’s assembly is starting now on Facebook. Click here to join us!

Join us to learn to find out the results of our survey to over 20,000 Floridians and how we’ve worked tirelessly to keep Floridians safe despite “the rona” and “the Ron”, aka Gov. Ron DeSantis. 


Florida has been hit with waves of disaster after disaster due to the power leadership of “the Ron”, and now we must uplift the voices of our community who are directly impacted by the crisis, who lost their jobs, and those who are struggling to keep their homes. 

We want to hear from you too! Join us now and be a part of our statewide town hall.

See you on Facebook,

Serena Pérez
Organizing Director
New Florida Majority


New Florida Majority
10800 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 1050
Miami, FL 33161 United States