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Join us in St. Louis for Eagle Council 52 where we will hear from Alex Newman Communist China’s Goal for World Dominance and Dr. Karladine Graves who will speak about how healthcare has been captured by the WHO and its Chinese influencers. Other exciting speakers include Dr. Peter McCollough, Tania, and Glenn Beck. Register HERE today!
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200 W 3rd St., Ste. 502 • Alton, IL 62002 • 618-433-8990 • [email protected]
Bill to Require Senate Approval of WHO Treaty to be Voted On
September 5, 2024

This week, the FBI arrested a former aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) and her predecessor Gov. Andrew Cuomo on charges of spying for the Chinese government. The former deputy chief of staff and chief diversity officer allegedly received millions of dollars in cash in exchange for providing information and access to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This is just the latest example of the CCPs actions to influence our country and its leaders. Thankfully, the House of Representatives already had plans in place to counter some of the most egregious instances of China’s attempted infiltration.

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EAGLE COUNCIL 52  SEPT. 26-28, 2024  ST. LOUIS, MO
JUST CONFIRMED:  GLENN BECK will speak as well as his wife, Tania Beck, our Full-time Homemaker of the Year Award recipient!  You don’t want to miss meeting the Becks at Eagle Council 52 and hear what they have to share!
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  • LESSONS IN LEADERSHIP tells the secret sauce of Phyllis’s extraordinary career.
  • LEADERS are not born but made. Phyllis inspired millions of women to become leaders.
  • This inside story of Phyllis Schlafly is told by her daughter, Anne Schlafly.
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