What the NY Times just said:

Hi John. We’ve been saying for months that the U.S. House will come down to California and now a recent article from the New York Times completely confirms our theory.

Here’s a key excerpt:

"Call it Democrats’ blue state dilemma, one that has helped make New York and California, two coastal bastions far from the presidential battlegrounds, the unlikely heart of the fight for control of the House of Representatives as summer turns to fall."

The New York Times hits on two key points, John. First, that California is a key battleground for control of the U.S. House. But second, that many donors aren’t paying attention to our state with so much of the focus on the Presidential race. That’s why we have to ask: Will you pitch in $15 or $35 right now?

CHIP IN $5 >>

CHIP IN $15 >>

CHIP IN $35 >>

CHIP IN $55 >>

CHIP IN $105 >>

The New York Times article even goes further to highlight some key races and regions that are up for grabs in this election:

"In California, Republicans are defending four incumbents in highly competitive seats that stretch from the Central Valley to Palm Springs, including three in districts where Democrats outnumber Republicans by wide margins. Democrats are protecting just one, an Orange County seat vacated by Representative Katie Porter."

The takeaway? We are in a GREAT position to retake control of the U.S. House with just seats we have here in California — and those seats are just INCHES away from being in our grasp.

The only thing that could go wrong now is losing the momentum, energy, and funding that is necessary to keep fueling and growing our mobilization and GOTV programs.

That’s why we are asking our entire supporter list: Will you please consider making a donation of $15 or more right now? Your gift today is an investment in firing Speaker Mike Johnson and giving President Kamala Harris a Democratic House Majority.

CHIP IN $15 >>

Thank you!


Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States