John --
Breaking News Out of Utah - We're Fighting Back Against a Power Grab
In a move that would curtail voter rights, Utah's Republican-controlled Legislature plans to ask citizens in the November election to grant lawmakers the power to alter or repeal state ballot measures after they have been approved.
Spurred by a recent state Supreme Court ruling <[link removed]> that revived an anti-gerrymandering lawsuit, lawmakers hastily convened a special session on August 21st, where both legislative chambers swiftly approved a constitutional amendment expanding the Legislature's control over citizen initiatives. Invoking their broadly defined emergency powers, the Legislature called this special session to push through the amendment.
If a majority of Utah voters endorse the measure this fall, it would grant lawmakers the constitutional authority to significantly rewrite or entirely repeal voter-approved ballot initiatives.
Fortunately, Forward and the Utah Forward Party are fighting back. The state party, along with all FWD-endorsed candidates, including Michelle Quist, Miles Pomeroy, and Laura Johnson, are helping lead a Vote No campaign to defeat the amendment at the ballot box this November. See what Michelle Quist has to say about it here. <[link removed]>
<[link removed]>Chip In To Help Forward Fight Back <[link removed]>
*Any donations at the above link will go to the Forward Party to help us engage in efforts like this in Utah and across the country.
The defeat of RFK and the brilliant future of the independent movement <[link removed]>| The Fulcrum
"If a candidate is going to challenge the fundamental premises and rules of the two-party system", writes Jacqueline Salit, co-founder and president of Independent Voting, "they must be willing to challenge the notion that there is only one measure of success: winning.
Niko Woolf takes aim at commissioner seat via land use code <[link removed]>| KVNF
"The reason I'm running because I came to the Board of County Commissioners with objections to the current land use code and then I was with hundreds of other people who were speaking out and we were not heard. So, I think this lack of positive response to our effort is why we felt like we need to replace the person in that seat." so Niko Woolf, candidate for Delta County Commissioner District 3, in his Interview with Lisa Young.
September 3 | Colorado Springs Forward Party - Prop 310
Join this informational meeting on Proposition 310, which will appear on the general election ballot in November. The conference will consist of a speaker and possibly a panel of speakers.Register → <[link removed]>
September 4 | Minnesota General Membership Meeting
Hear about how you can help your candidates in the election this year in this bi-monthly Minnesota state-wide member update on September 4th. Register → <[link removed]>
September 11 | MD Statewide Meeting
Maryland Forwardists are holding their monthly organizing meeting on September 11th via Google Meets. Join them and hear all the plans for September and figure out how you can help move the party #Forward.Register → <[link removed]>
What RFK's Mistakes Teach Us About the Future of the Independent Movement <[link removed]> | Independent Voter News
'If You Can Keep It': The Realities Of Ranked Choice Voting <[link removed]> | NPR
The ‘open primaries’ measure will appear on the ballot, but votes for it might not be counted <[link removed]> | AZ Mirror
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