Ask your MP to sign EDM 123: Mutual Defence Agreement

Just before the summer recess in July, the government presented the US/UK Mutual Defence Agreement (MDA) to the House of Commons.?

The MDA comes up for renewal every 10 years and we have a small window where Members of Parliament can debate and oppose ratification of the treaty. We only have 21 days!

The amendments put forward by the government, are to extend the treaty permanently thereby removing the opportunity to regularly review, amend and seek termination of the treaty which enables and facilitates Britain's nuclear weapons system.

This is undemocratic and must be debated and opposed.? Please use the green button below to lobby your MP and ask them to Sign Early Day Motion 123: Mutual Defence Agreement.

You can view EDM 123 here to see who has signed it.


What is the Mutual Defence Agreement?


First signed in 1958, the Mutual Defence Agreement (MDA) enables the United Kingdom and the United States to exchange nuclear weapons components, submarine reactor technology, nuclear materials such as uranium and plutonium, and information on nuclear technologies.


The MDA is the world's most extensive nuclear-sharing agreement. It is also in breach of international law, namely the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.?


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