Need to Impeach Logo

Hello John,


We recently sent out a survey to collect feedback on our work together at Need to Impeach, as we close the organization and prepare for what’s next. So far, 33,740 people have responded.


Here’s what Need to Impeach petition signers like you said: 




The top reason people signed the Need to Impeach petition:

To hold a corrupt president accountable.


And we remain committed to defeating Trump in 2020 —  12,431 people said they plan to volunteer, just over 33% of survey takers!


Need to Impeach signers are committed to:

  1. Getting Trump out of office in November.
  2. Flipping the Senate and keeping the House.
  3. Breaking the corporate stranglehold on our government.

Our country faces many challenges, but a majority of survey respondents agreed on the top issues: 

  • 60% say we need to expand health care and make it more affordable 
  • 59% want environmental justice and climate action
  • 53% are fighting racial injustice and inequity

And many of you left thoughtful feedback, which will inform Tom’s work going forward.


"Work to pass a law allowing our entire country to vote by mail, absentee voting, or any other means, not just in person at the ballot, so that everyone who wants to vote is able to vote." — Maria from Texas


“[We must] take on championing the free press to expose the lies and misinformation flowing from the impeached president and his administration. There is a lack of coordination with the press to hold this impeached president and our elected officials accountable to the people." — Theresa from New York


"Build coalitions, bring everyone together that wants to beat [Trump]; get everyone out to vote… provide real solutions to his [supporter] base." — Dawn from Maryland



We noticed you hadn’t responded to the survey yet and wanted to let you know there’s still time. Take a minute right now to submit your feedback:




Thank you for being a part of the Need to Impeach movement and for sharing your thoughts with us. We’re still in this fight, and your input helps guide our next steps.


The Need to Impeach Team


We want to make sure you are receiving emails that are relevant to your interests and the ways you would like to be involved in this movement. If you would like to stop receiving our emails, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking here — we'll be sad to see you go!
Need to Impeach
PO Box 538
San Francisco, CA 94104
United States

Paid for by Need to Impeach,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee