Many nonelderly adults have reported losing their jobs, putting off purchases, spending less on food, and dipping into savings or increasing credit card debt. More than one in five adults have reported food insecurity. The pandemic is hitting low-income families and communities of color the hardest.
In the latest installment of the Evidence to Action series, Sarah Rosen Wartell joins policy experts and small business advocates to discuss equitable small business lending. The Paycheck Protection Program is a vital safeguard for small businesses, but the program’s speed doesn’t have to be at odds with its efficiency.
In DC, the number of workers in vulnerable industries is distributed unevenly, with 10 of 47 neighborhoods accounting for almost 50 percent of all vulnerable jobs. Addressing the pandemic’s disparate effects in DC requires thoughtful, spatially targeted assistance and relief programs to alleviate immediate risks.
Well before the COVID-19 crisis began restricting access to courthouses, the civil legal system was inaccessible and unfair to millions of people, particularly those with low incomes. The measures being adopted to increase access to justice should not be temporary.