On the heels of the recent “Parksgate” fiasco — the attempt to build golf courses and massive hotels in Florida state parks — you may be cynical about our political leadership. You may think elected officials are on the take.
You’d be right. And we’ve got the receipts.
This month VoteWater will unveil our Dirty Money Project, which tracks political donations from polluting special interests to elected officials in eight south Florida counties at the federal, state and county commission level. Big Sugar, big agriculture, the phosphate mining industry, the state’s biggest utilities, the sprawl/development industry and polluter PACs (political action committees) give millions every year — and that means dirtier water for the rest of us.
Would you believe, for example, that Gov. Ron DeSantis got more than $5 million in dirty money over the past six years? After "Parksgate" — you probably would.
There’s lots more where that came from. So look for our launch soon; and thanks for helping us make dirty money so toxic even dirty politicians won’t take it.