
I hope this finds you safe and well — and using some of your time at home to engage with Oregon's primary election season.

The typical person-to-person campaign activities I love — all the opportunities to interact with supporters, including town halls and events, and meeting new people from all over our state — simply cannot be just now. As you might guess, this makes me sad — especially as it affects my ability to hear your thoughts, concerns, and dreams, John. Those interactions are incredibly important to me, and help inform and shape our collective vision for the future.

As COVID-19 forces us into a digital-heavy campaign, I remain determined to keep the connection between my supporters and me strong! Right now, my team and I are:

  • Putting together virtual events to enable us to come together as a community.
  • Launching our Get Out The Vote efforts in advance of next month's primary. While we can't canvass the same way we have in years past, we are committed to mobilizing voters statewide via digital organizing tools, texting, and calls.
  • Fundraising to accelerate our transition to digital campaigning and amplify our voter mobilization efforts.

I am confident that we can hit our April goal today to help fund our Get Out The Vote efforts! If you are able to pitch in, could you help us reach our goal with a gift of $3 today?

Please only give if you can — and: Thank You in advance for your support.

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50