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Explore donations & gifts to MPs

September 2024

The latest Register of Financial Interests has just been published — the first for this Parliament.

That means, if you want to, you can explore gifts and donations given to your own MP (or any other), including during their election campaigns.

To make that easier, we've added the information to MPs' pages on TheyWorkForYou and also provided it in a spreadsheet format — read more here.

For the even more data-inclined, we've knocked up a quick analysis site that allows you, for example, to see which MPs have property abroad, or which have received donations above a specified amount. Find out about that here.

Why are there so few APPGs all of a sudden?

As well as financial interests, our WhoFundsThem project will be keeping an eye on APPGs (All Party Parliamentary Groups), so we were initially startled to see that more than 90% of these civil society/Parliament policy groups had disappeared.

On further examination, we think the causes are more admin-based...which, because we're tracking them (and, let's face it, because we're nerds), we still find interesting. Julia explains here.


Showcase your FOI accomplishments

& win a trip to Madrid

Access Info Impact Award

Have you used Freedom of Information to have a positive impact on society in the last three years — or perhaps you know someone who has?

Our friends Access Info over in Spain have announced a new award. The winner will be invited to Madrid to present their work in front of an international audience at the Open Government Partnership Summit next year. Find out more here.

Redcar seafront

FOI is essential at the local level

When we saw a council criticising Freedom of Information requests as 'burdensome', stating that many requests are from "people looking for business, journalistic requests and other government departments", we had to comment.

Read why FOI at the local authority level is so essential, and why actually, we're all for these types of request, in our LinkedIn article — or if you prefer your thought pieces in smaller chunks, in this Bluesky thread.

mySociety websites in a fan-shaped array

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We won't stop blogging, but if you'd like to catch up with mySociety's news in other places:

🔉We have a monthly audio summary that you can listen to on the website, or subscribe to via your favourite podcast platform - latest edition just out.

📽️We're making video versions of our blog posts - find them on each post; on TikTok and Instagram; or all together in this YouTube playlist.

🦋 We're increasingly moving from Twitter to Bluesky, as we sense many of you are too.

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seven different people, representing different types of reader

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Image credits: Redcar seafront - Malc McDonald via Geograph (CC by-sa/2.0)