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Chair's Corner

Aloha fellow citizens of Hawaii,

We stand at a crucial moment in our nation’s history. We are just weeks away from one of the most important elections in our lifetimes, and I want to speak directly to each and every one of you. The outcome of November 5th will define the future of our state and our country, and we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines.

For too long, we’ve been stuck with leadership that has turned the American Dream into just that...just a dream, distant and fading. Our economy is in shambles. The middle class is shrinking, and homelessness is rising. Families are struggling to put food on the table while food prices soar. Our farmers and ranchers, who are the backbone of this state, are facing proposed tax increases that threaten their very livelihoods. And our parental rights are being stripped away by politicians who think they know what’s best for our children, yet it seems they are nothing but groomers. Why hasn't the leadership in the state of Hawaii focused on human trafficking?

Under the current Democratic leadership, we’ve been fed nothing but lies. Bills are being passed that work against the best interests of the people, and every day, more of our freedoms and opportunities are eroded. How much more of this can we take? How much longer will we allow these out-of-touch leaders to kill the American Dream? How many people have to testify for the removal of Scott Nago so we can ensure we are closer to free, fare, and transparent elections?

It's time to wake up. This November, we have a chance to stop the insanity, but it will only happen if we stand together. I know many of you are frustrated, angry, and tired...tired of promises that never come to fruition, tired of watching our country lose its way, and tired of seeing the middle class crumble while illegal immigration is on the rise and the well-being of hardworking citizens is ignored. Tired of our tax dollars giving shelter to criminals that cross the borders and tired seeing loved ones die in your arms from drug overdoses.

We cannot afford to keep putting the same people in power who have failed us time and again. The status quo must go. It’s time to elect leaders who will fight for the people of this beautiful state and this great nation. It’s time to elect Republicans who will put an end to this disastrous leadership and restore our country to the greatness it once had. It's time to have leadership in office who look for ways to build a sustainable economy, and incentives to bring the Hawaii families back.

But here’s the truth... change doesn’t happen if we sit back and hope for it. We have to make it happen. So, I’m asking you to do more than just vote, I’m asking you to fight for your future. Get out there and bring 10 people with you to the polls. Bring your family, your friends, your neighbors, and your coworkers. Together, we can send a message loud and clear: we’re done with the lies, done with the broken promises, and done with leaders who care more about their own agendas than they do about the people.

This is about you, your future, your family, and your freedom. We can’t let this moment pass us by. It’s time to fight, fight, fight for the America we believe in, for the Hawaii we love, and for the future we deserve.
Vote Republican. Vote for change. Vote for the people. Let’s restore the American Dream and bring back the hope that’s been taken from us. It’s time to take our country back...together.

Mahalo, and may God bless Hawaii, and may God bless the United States of America.

Tamara McKay
State Chair, Hawaii Republican Party

King Power with Tyranny

The historical following portion of our
“Declaration of Independence” is copy of
how our Country creators itemized all the
ways the king was establishing “Tyranny”
against the states. The actual list they created
is here containing the first portion. I continue
sending the correct sequence copy of our
country’s original in segments.
     “He has refused his Assent to Laws, the
most wholesome and necessary  for the public Good.
     He has forbidden his Governors to pass
Laws of immediate and pressing
Importance, unless suspended in their Operation
till his Assent should be obtained; and when so
suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
     He has refused to pass other Laws for the
Accommodation of large Districts
of People, unless those People would relinquish the
Right of Representation
in the Legislature, a Right inestimable to them,
and formidable to Tyrants only.
     He has called together Legislative Bodies at
Places unusual, uncomfortable,
and distant from the Depository of their public
Records, for the sole Purpose
of fatiguing them into Compliance with his Measures.  
     He has dissolved Representative House repeatedly,
for opposing with manly
firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People.”

Bonnie DeRose
Maui, HI

Part 5 of the author's article will be published in Hawaii Republican Party Newsletter each week. Stay tuned.

Read the Declaration of Independence (here)

First Friday is September 6th

Not paid for by the Hawaii Republican Party. No candidate or committee endorsed.
2024 Candidate Forum & Fundraiser
(including a Trump Watch Party)
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Doors open at 05:30 pm (street parking after 5:30), event 6-10pm
461 Cooke St, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
Get your ticket for this event (here) | Early-bird: $50. | Regular: $60.

Join us at Formaggio Grill for an evening of good food and company to support General Tim Connelly’s campaign for State House District 50. Meet Tim, ask questions, and connect with fellow supporters.

Your participation is essential - every donation helps secure victory in the 2024 election. Strong leadership is needed to address Hawaii’s issues, starting with District 50.

Special thanks to Formaggio Grill for hosting. Enjoy pupus, drinks, entertainment, and a no-host bar. Donations from $25 to $2,000 are appreciated. We look forward to making a difference together!
Purchase Tickets (here)

Have a bit of extra time on your hands, and want to participate in the effort to get low propensity voters off the couch? Sign up to make phone calls in swing states for President Trump. You will be using an online platform at Trump Force 47 to make these calls. There is a script, to make the task easier AND prizes - weekly trading cards are available to win! - for making the quota of calls. There are training videos to explain the process. Sign up today!
County Grassroots-organized Trump Rally & Flag-Waving are in full swing.
Come out and support your favorite POTUS. Encourage your friends and family to join too. These rallies hold great opportunity for all America-First & Hawaii-First candidates to mingle with their potential voters.

Maui | Fridays & Saturdays

The Saturday Rally Starts on September 7th

Hilo  | Fridays & Sundays

Kona | Mondays - 3pm

First Friday is September 6th

Kapolei | Wednesdays & Thursdays


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Paid for by the Hawaii Republican Party. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

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Suite 7400
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