
I’ve played on baseball teams in different cities, states, and countries.

But on every team, we worked our tails off for a common goal.

We didn’t have to agree on everything or even like each other, but there was respect and understanding for each other, because that’s how to succeed.

Our leaders have forgotten that we all have so much in common. We want to be happy, healthy, safe, and have the option to live near family. I’m certain that if I were fortunate enough to be elected to Congress, I’d be able to work with my colleagues to chalk up more wins than losses.

So if you believe in me, if you believe that there is more that brings us together than divides us, and if you want a leader in Congress who will fight for that, please help our campaign by making a grassroots contribution today.

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When I get to Congress, I’ll work hard to remind everyone what our common goal is -- that no matter if you’re a Democrat, Republican, or an independent, we’re all fighting to make the lives of Americans a little better.

Right now, our representative is more motivated by the name on the back of his jersey -- Steve King -- than the name on the front -- U.S. Congress.

For far too long, King has been motivated by self-interest and “own the Libs” memes rather than the people who need him most: The people who he’s elected to represent.

They need a leader who hears them, who brings the struggles our district is facing to Washington to resolve them, and who works with representatives from all over to find solutions.

I will be that leader. I’ll go to bat for you every time, John. So today, I’m asking you to step up to the plate and make a contribution before our deadline at midnight tonight.

Thank you so much. You’re the heart and soul of this campaign.

Standing Tall for All,

J.D. Scholten

The number one priority during this time is to make sure everyone helps mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa and across the country. Our campaign is doing our part by canceling all in-person events, moving to a digital operation, and supporting local efforts to help those in need. Emails like this are a critical part of our ability to run a strong campaign that can win.

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Contributions or gifts to Scholten4Iowa are not tax deductible
Paid for by Scholten4Iowa Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 3531
Sioux City, IA 51102