Hey Fellow Conservative,

We have a great opportunity to secure American elections this month. 

Radical liberals, after years of open borders under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, let over 10 million illegal aliens into our country. And now those illegal aliens might vote and sway the 2024 elections!

But here's the truth, Fellow Conservative. Republicans in Congress have an opportunity THIS MONTH to pass our bill DEMANDING only citizens vote in federal elections!
We must use the September government deadline to FORCE the Washington Uniparty to answer this simple question:
“Do you support requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal elections, or do you support non-citizens illegally voting?”

My bill — called the SAVE Act — passed the House with bipartisan support. Now, it's stuck in the Senate. 

States all over our country have removed non-citizens from voter rolls. Even Texas removed over 6,000. 

This has to stop, Fellow Conservative. We must make sure ONLY American citizens vote in federal elections and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are not! 

Please, chip in $5 or $10 to help us PASS THE SAVE ACT! 

Chip in → chiproy.com/pass-the-save-act
We're still fighting every day for our God-given right to live free.
Texans have always stood on the frontlines of protecting our freedoms, and I have been right there with you as your voice in DC.

Help me get the SAVE Act over the line!

For Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
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