Fellow American,

We are American citizens, and that means something – or, at least, it will once we elect America-First leaders and fire the Liberal Mob. This email is a little longer, but I'm hoping you'll take two minutes to read it and then submit a donation to my grassroots campaign.

In the status quo, Radical Leftists like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Amy Klobuchar, and Ilhan Omar expect us to shut up and accept the globalist, elitist, woke policy agenda that has led us to the most dangerous time in American history.

They see us as sheep being herded in whichever direction they desire, slaves and servants to do their bidding.

But, we are not slaves; we are not servants.

White for Senate

Our America-First Movement has woken up, and we're demanding change. That terrifies the Radical Left, and they've shown us that they'll do anything to hold onto power, including using the courts to attack their political opponents.

I'm running for Senate in Minnesota to defeat one of the Radical Left's top elites: Amy Klobuchar. If I win, it will be a major blow to the Democrats' ability to force us to accept socialism and communism. My movement is a strong grassroots one, full of America-First people who DON'T WANT to have a borderless border, a debt deficit, and involvement in forever wars.

But, Senator Klobuchar has a massive campaign war chest full of MILLIONS of dollars from Hollywood Elites and Deep State Democrats' contributions. I cannot compete with that.

I'm humbly asking you to send my campaign a donation of whatever you can afford.

Despite what the Media Industrial Complex will have you believe, this race IS WINNABLE! But I need 100 percent participation from Top Patriots like you to win.

The day that we stop fighting is the day that we become the Radical Left's slaves and servants. I will NEVER stop fighting. Will you fight with me?

Thank you,

Royce White


P.O. Box 5473 Hopkins, MN 55343
Copyright © 2024 Royce White For Senate, All rights reserved.
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