

A lot of folks ask me why I “bother” running for Congress as a Democrat in a red state like Idaho.


It’s very simple – I’m a Democrat, and this is my home.


I know there are people just like me, whether they see themselves as Democrats, Republicans, or independents, who are just fed up with things the way they are.


They want a representative who understands what they’re going through, who cares about what they’re going through, and who will keep fighting for everyday people.


The dirty little secret is that there are no red states and blue states.


There are states riddled with gerrymandering and voter suppression. There are states represented by career politicians full of voters who feel unheard.


But we’re here. Our voices matter. And we deserve to be represented.


That’s why a campaign like ours is so important.


We’re doing more than just running for office. We’re creating visibility, bringing people together, and laying the groundwork for something bigger.


Every time we knock on a door, recruit a volunteer, or connect with a voter, we’re not just chasing votes. 


We’re building a network—neighbor to neighbor, person to person—people who didn’t even know they shared the same hopes for a better Idaho.


And with every conversation, we’re laying the foundation for a grassroots movement that can reclaim the future.


Our campaign is about more than winning—it’s about giving Idahoans a voice. Your contribution today fuels the fight to connect neighbors, empower working people, and shift the focus back to the issues that matter most.


Our focus is on what really matters to working people, no matter their party. 


We’re talking about bringing down the cost of living—gas, groceries, childcare— making healthcare accessible so that no one goes broke just because they get sick and defending our rights and reproductive freedoms.


These are the kitchen table issues every Idahoan cares about, while our extremist representatives in DC chase hyper-partisan agendas.

MAGA extremism, embodied in their vision for Project 2025, is pushing a deeply out-of-touch agenda that alienates the vast majority of voters. 


They focus on divisive culture wars and dismantling critical institutions that Americans rely on. 


Instead of tackling rising healthcare costs or making childcare affordable, they prioritize extremist policies like banning books in schools, restricting voting rights, and pushing for radical changes to Social Security and Medicare.


With more resources, we can show Idaho voters there’s a common-sense alternative.


By contributing today, you’re not just supporting a campaign—you’re helping build a movement. A movement that brings back the working-class, people-first Democratic populism that lifted families across this country under FDR. With your help, we can bring that same energy back to Idaho.


Let’s build this together.


Never giving up,




David Roth is a single, gay dad running for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. We’re going up against a GOP incumbent who has been in this seat for 25 years. It’s time for change in Idaho, and our grassroots campaign is building on the momentum that began in David’s race for U.S. Senate last cycle. The GOP is not planning to defend this seat, so we plan to take it from them and help Democrats retake the House majority next year. We’d love your support to build a solid campaign to bring progress to Idaho and the country.

Paid for by David Roth for Idaho

©2024 David Roth for Idaho, all rights reserved.


Our mailing address is:

David Roth for Idaho

2184 Channing Way #114

Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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