John, I want to say thank you.

Your support helped our campaign reach our August fundraising goal and prepared us to enter this final two-month sprint to Election Day with the wind at our backs.

I am determined to do everything in my power to help elect Kamala Harris and defend our Democratic Senate majority, but I cannot do it alone. That’s why this team’s support has been so important — and with the final FEC quarterly deadline of the election at the end of this month, we can’t afford to slow down.

John, watch what I had to say from the stage at the Democratic National Convention and then pitch in to help us carry this message forward and WIN on November 5.


I am feeling as hopeful about the future of our country as I have in years. I’m sure you feel the same.

Together, one phone call, one door knock, and one $10 donation at a time, we are building a movement to win. Thanks for being a part of it.

With love and gratitude,
