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First Star has made significant strides on how we are supporting our scholars, alumni, Academy Directors, and the greater First Star community during this time. Despite the uncertainty, it has given us the opportunity to adjust our typical priorities and find a new normal through virtual learning and connectedness. As a community, we're rising to the challenges of the times, stronger then ever. 
Our Academy Directors are Rising to the Moment
Our consistent engagement with students has never been more important.  Our Academy Directors have seamlessly transitioned our Academy program to the virtual space, including one-on-one time with scholars and caregivers, activating peer mentors to engage more frequently, offering academic tutoring, and still meeting virtually as a full cohort for longer social and peer support gatherings. 
We're currently planning for virtual summer immersion sessions and investigating tech platforms to facilitate our programming. At the same time, we are filling technology gaps to make sure students are equipped with the devices, internet access, and online supports to stay on track academically.  
Tuesday, May 5th
is #GIVINGTUESDAYNOW, a recently added global day of giving and unity in response to the unprecedented need caused by the current crisis. Now more than ever, First Star needs our community to make sure that our scholars continue to thrive and succeed. On Tuesday, make First Star your charity of choice to support during these uncertain times.
Together we give.
Together we stand.
You don't have to wait until Tuesday to stand with First Star.
Start your giving today!
Make a Donation Today
First Star's National Graduation Ceremony
As part of Foster Care Awareness Month, First Star is hosting a special virtual graduation ceremony for our Class of 2020! Our graduating seniors from Academies across the nation, have been working their whole lives to reach this milestone, an achievement that deserves to be CELEBRATED. Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 30th, and stay tuned for more information on how you can help us honor our amazing scholars!
Supporting Our Alumni
In order to more fully support our First Star alumni, we have started a monthly Alumni Meetup to create more connections and involvement amongst our graduates. We will be offering vital resources, professional development opportunities, and ways for them to give back to our current scholars. To sign up or find out more about future meetups, reach out to [email protected].
In the News
Governor Newsom's announced $42 Million to Protect Foster Youth and Families impacted by COVID-19. The funding will be used protect younger Californians who are at heightened risk for abuse and mistreatment due to the crisis, as well as making sure families stay together, supporting social workers and Family Resource Centers. 
Places We're Finding Hope and Joy
We are FIRST STAR! 🌟

Thank you to our South Jersey Collaborative and Peer Mentor Isaiah Showell for this message, reminding us to keep our heads up and keep pushing forward during these challenging times. We are so proud of all our scholars and their perseverance to keep up the good work!
Some Good News

The mission of John Krasinski’s quarantine response series is right there in the title: delivering Some Good News at a moment when it is in unprecedentedly short supply. Filled with uplifting smiles, cathartic tears, and warm-fuzzy reassurance, it's exactly what the world needs. 

The Phoenix

This emotive video prompts us to stay safe, stay home, and all the while reminds us of the importance of hope. “We’ll see entire nations come together to honor the bravery of those who showed up, day after day, night after night, to serve them.

Make sure you are following us to stay up to date
with our response to the COVID-19 crisis
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First Star, Inc.
2049 Century Park East
Suite 4320
Los Angeles, CA 90067

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