I’m not like most people who end up serving in the U.S. Senate, folks.

I’ve worked my family’s farm my entire life (in fact, I’m spending 16 hours a day out on the field now during planting season). And when I’m in Washington, I spend every day fighting for Montanans and working families across the country.

Whether it’s defending our health care, protecting our public lands, or holding the Trump Administration accountable, I’ve got just one thing in mind: you.

Because of that, I don't have much patience for the shady super PACs and mega-donors a lot of elected officials here rely on. Instead, I depend on everyday folks like you to fuel our work.

Now more than ever, we’re depending on grassroots donations from emails like this to reach our goals. So, I’m asking:

If you can spare it, will you donate $10 or more toward our end-of-month goal tonight? Anything you can give keeps me focused on doing my job in the Senate fighting for us.

Donate now

Thanks for pitching in. It makes a real difference in a campaign like ours.

— Jon

P.S. If you can’t afford to donate right now, that’s okay. Too many folks are facing financial hardship right now, and the most important thing you can do is to take care of yourself and your loved ones.