Hi John,
Can you believe it? Summer has gone in a flash and September is here already - if you're anything like us, you're frantically making the most of the long(ish) days and (relatively) warm water, while you still can. 🏊♀️
Yes, the nights are drawing in, soon the winter swells will be with us, and with parliament now back our fight to end the sewage scandal kicks into higher gear.
We are demanding govenment uses its planned legislation to deliver transformational reform of our broken water system. Keep your eyes peeled, we think there mighte be some movement on this issue this week 👀👀👀
Read on to find out how you can help make a difference for the ocean, this month 🙌
Demand reform of our broken water system
Parlilament is back so now is the time to contact your MP to demand they stand up for our wild waters.
The ocean needs you!
Applications are now open if you're looking to become one of our passionate, committed and water-loving Regional Reps.
We're marching on London
On Saturday 26 October, we're joining the March for Clean Water to show to those in power that we won't be quiet until the #SewageScandal is over.
Fight for your local swim spot
Our Protecting Wild Waters programme supports communities across the UK in getting bathing water designation. Attend the Bathing Water Forum 2024 to find out more.
Wear your Ocean Activism with pride
We want to give you a free Ocean Activist pin badge! By wearing a badge, you can send the message that you stand for protecting our wild blue spaces. ✊
Do you use our app?
Have you been in the sea over the past two weeks after using our Safer Seas and Rivers Service app? We need your help for our research with the University of Exeter.
Take the plunge
By now, you will have heard that Dip a Day in October is back! Yes, John, we need you to rise to the challenge and sign-up to help fuel our fight against the polluters!
Thanks for your continued support.
For the ocean,
🌊Team SAS
Surfers Against Sewage
Wheal Kitty Workshops, St Agnes, Cornwall, TR5 0RD
Tel: 01872 553 001
Surfers Against Sewage is a national marine conservation and campaigning charity that inspires, unites, and empowers communities to take action to protect oceans, beaches, waves, and wildlife.