I am thankful that you opened this email. Breaking through all the traffic and noise these days is hard, but I depend on being able to reach you via email and texts to keep you in the loop on what's going on in Washington and across the country.
So, let me start by saying thank you for reading this, but I have an urgent message to get to, so please read this email all the way through.
Let me explain the current situation to you: Kamala Harris and the Radical Left are working hard to turn our country into a total Socialist nation.
Their radical open borders scheme is flooding our country with illegal immigrants, and the Democrats are registering them to vote in our United States elections, which will give the Left the upper hand.
They aren't even pretending to care about national security and the safety of our communities, and
if we don't take immediate action now, the Radical Left will win. I'm fighting back by ensuring that ONLY American citizens vote in our elections,
but I can't do it alone. This issue is more important than Left vs Right — it is about saving the integrity of our elections. If the Democrats get the upper hand, there is nothing to stop them from moving forward with their scheme each election year to secure more power for themselves.
I am writing to you today to ask you to do just one thing that will help America: help our families and help your future.
Will you donate $1 or more to secure the Republican majority and stop this Radical Left scheme? If we continue taking action, we can secure the Republican majority and stop the Radical Left's scheme in its tracks.
I am grateful that you took the time to read my message, but I sincerely hope you will help fuel this important fight. My campaign depends on conservatives like you to stay ahead of the Left.
Can I count on your support today? If you made it this far, I already consider it a huge WIN. Thank you for your time and for taking action to protect our elections.
Burgess Owens