Dear friend,
An important "second look" sentencing reform bill has come under attack in Washington, D.C., and we are fighting to keep the bill alive and get it passed.
Send an email today! Tell your District of Columbia Council members to support sentencing reform.
Bill 23-0127, the "Second Look Amendment Act of 2019," would allow people to have their sentences reconsidered by the court if the person was under age 25 at the time of the crime and has served at least 15 years in prison. The U.S. Attorney and Washington Post are urging members of the Council to oppose this bill, claiming that releasing people early will increase crime.
But the bill does not guarantee anyone a sentence reduction — just the chance to convince the court that they are rehabilitated and ready for release.
FAMM knows that many people — especially youthful offenders — age, rehabilitate, and change when they are in prison. We know this is true even if the crime the person committed was very serious, or violent. We support second look sentencing reform because we think people should get a second look and a second chance if they are no longer a danger and no longer need to be in prison.
Help us fight back against this effort to kill second look sentencing reform in Washington, D.C. Contact your Council members now and tell them to support Bill 23-0127.
Contact Your Council Members
Thanks for your support in the District!

Molly Gill Vice President of Policy, FAMM