No images? Click here Along with giving Kyiv important leverage in negotiations, Ukraine’s occupation of Russian territory matters because it challenges one of the taboos of the nuclear age—that anyone would invade a nuclear state. Walter Russell Mead explains how in the Wall Street Journal. The Biden administration’s ill-advised protectionism has harmed the United States economy and America’s standing on the world stage. But, Thomas Duesterberg argues in the Wall Street Journal, the Supreme Court’s decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo gives Congress the power to temper the unilateral trade actions of the executive branch. Both Americans and Iraqis would prefer to see most US troops withdrawn from the country, but the Iraqi military still relies on American support to fight groups like Daesh (ISIS). Luke Coffey explains that a US withdrawal would need to be done in a responsible and realistic way. Zineb Riboua says that the arrest of Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, has harmed the efforts of Russian mercenaries like the Wagner Group in both Africa and Ukraine who used the messaging app to exchange information and circulate propaganda. Hudson’s Japan Chair hosted Chris Brose of Anduril Industries and Phoebe Greentree of the Australian Embassy for an event on the considerable value Japan could bring to Pillar 2 of the AUKUS agreement among Australia, the US, and the United Kingdom. Before you go . . . Act now. Be a part of promoting American leadership and engagement for a secure, free, and prosperous future for us all. |