Before Teacher Appreciation Week, GLSEN is taking time to collect stories of gratitude and thanks for LGBTQ-supportive educators across the country!


If I asked you to think about an educator that has made a real impact in the lives of LGBTQ students, I bet someone impactful comes to mind, right?

That’s because every day, educators are our silent heroes: Working behind the scenes to better the lives of their students and create safe, inclusive spaces for all students – including LGBTQ young people – to learn and thrive.

Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we’re hoping that GLSEN supporters across the country can help us send some well-deserved praise and love to the educators who are making a real difference in the lives of LGBTQ students.

Will you add your name to our card thanking our fearless educators? If you can, include a personal shout out to the educators who you’ve seen going above and beyond to support LGBTQ students – we’ll share some of our favorites with you next week!

Being a teacher isn’t easy – especially now during COVID–19, as so many educators rapidly adapt their lesson plans to virtual learning and support their online classrooms from home.

But what I’ve been so heartened (though not surprised!) to see is that in the face of these new challenges, educators are stepping up more than ever – working overtime to connect with their students, create successful virtual learning environments and let LGBTQ students know they have their backs.

This was on display during GLSEN’s 25th Annual Day of Silence on Friday, where we saw SO MANY heartwarming photos and videos of teachers sending a message to their LGBTQ students that they are loved and supported.

This year, we want to send all the love we can to all the amazing teachers who are making the world a safer place for LGBTQ students. Sign our card – and please share a story of an educator who has inspired you!

We’re excited to share your messages of gratitude with the thousands of educators in GLSEN’s network during Teacher Appreciation Week next week! Stay tuned.

Becca Mui, M. Ed. 
Education Manager 
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers 

P.S. If you're a student or teacher involved in a GSA at your school, we want to hear from you! Take our GSA survey now to let us know how GLSEN can best support your work to promote LGBTQ-inclusion at your school.
GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038 | 212-727-0135 | [email protected]
