Learn everything you need to know about scaling a vote tripling program this Thursday from 3-4:30 p.m. ET with our friends at Vote Rev

Arena Community,


Site-based vote tripling is an effective (and fun!) way to boost turnout. It’s easy to do, but the most strategic vote tripling programs take a little planning up front.


Learn everything you need to know about scaling a vote tripling program this Thursday from 3-4:30 p.m. ET with our friends at Vote Rev!


Sign up for this free virtual session>>

Vote tripling is an intuitive relational organizing tactic where you ask supporters to remind at least three friends to vote. For high-opportunity voters especially, hearing from a trusted messenger is great for boosting turnout. With 62 days before Election Day, reaching as many people as possible -- as effectively as possible -- is critical.  

At this session, our friends from Vote Rev are going talk us through how to integrate a strategic and thoughtful vote-tripling program into the rest of GOTV, including how to select the best sites, how to train canvassers to make the best asks, logistics considerations for the program, and more.

I have used vote tripling for many cycles now, but last cycle the Vote Rev team helped me plan out a vote tripling program that was super successful on college campuses and helped me take the tactic to the next level. They are constantly studying and fine-tuning how vote tripling can be implemented. I’m excited for you to hear from our friends at Vote Rev about how site-based vote tripling can become your new favorite tactic, too! 

They’ll cover everything you need to know about setting up a vote tripling program on your campaign and how to scale it so you can have the biggest impact. 

Sign up today>>

While I have you, will you ask three friends to sign up as well? 

Hope to see you there!
Jess Weldon 
Arena Training Director

P.S. Watch this video to learn more about site-based vote tripling and get excited for the training.

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