Our national military cemeteries are some of our most sacred places, and Arlington is arguably the most sacred of all. They belong to every American.

Mark Kelly for Senate

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John —

I am appalled at what Donald Trump and his campaign did at Arlington National Cemetery last week.

They took pictures and videos of the gravestones of fallen Americans without the clear permission of their families. They posted those pictures and videos to their campaign pages. And the Army has confirmed that they physically pushed aside and verbally abused the Arlington official who attempted to prevent it.

Our national military cemeteries are some of our most sacred places, and Arlington is arguably the most sacred of them all. It belongs to every American. It is a place for unity and respect, not political photo ops. There are federal laws intended to prevent just the same violations that Trump and his campaign committed last Monday.

To me, personally, this is deeply disturbing. It’s an affront to the sanctity of Arlington National Cemetery, but it’s also a sign of deep disrespect for the fallen, to veterans, and to their families. That’s exactly what we have come to expect from Donald Trump, who has called veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice overseas “suckers” and “losers.” He doesn’t understand the sacrifices our service members make and doesn’t care about them unless he can exploit them.

As far as I’m concerned, he can never be Commander in Chief. But I’ve got to level with you: Right now, he is tied with Kamala Harris in my home state of Arizona. I don’t pay too much attention to polls, but it’s impossible to ignore that Arizona looks like the most competitive state in the entire country right now.

We’ve got to defeat Trump here to have any chance of stopping him. So, today, I’m hoping you’ll help me support Vice President Harris and I as we work together to make sure Trump is defeated, once and for all.

If you’re as driven as I am to prevent Donald Trump from becoming Commander in Chief, split a donation between my campaign and the Harris-Walz campaign right away. We’ll put it to good use — that’s a promise.

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Paid For By Mark Kelly for Senate

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Mark Kelly was a Captain in the U.S. Navy and astronaut. Use of his military rank, job titles and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or Department of Defense and reference to NASA does not imply endorsement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.