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Ethical and Financial Implications of any IVF Mandate
September 3, 2024
by Kristen A. Ullman, JD, President, Eagle Forum

In a move that only served to confound pro-life Americans further dismayed over recent statements that his administration will be “great for women and their reproductive rights,” former President Trump announced last week that “your government will pay for — or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for — all costs associated with IVF treatment.”

While the 2024 Republican Platform, written entirely by Trump and his inner circle, already made clear that he supports “policies that advance . . . access to  . . . IVF (fertility treatments),” this latest promise to use the heavy hand of the federal government to force taxpayers to fund the contentious procedure may erode support from not only those worried about the millions of embryos destroyed under current IVF practices but fiscal conservatives and libertarians as well. As the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board bluntly put it, “If you think IVF is expensive now, wait until it’s ‘free.’”

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Kristen A. Ullman, JD is the president of Eagle Forum. Kris served as Executive Director of Eagle Forum’s D.C. office from 1995-1998. She has served on the Eagle Forum Board of Directors since 2017.
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EAGLE COUNCIL 52  SEPT. 26-28, 2024  ST. LOUIS, MO
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  5. Celebrate Phyllis’s 100th with us at EAGLE COUNCIL 52 in St. Louis!  We have a fun party planned – join us in celebrating the life and legacy of Phyllis Schlafly, our founder!
  7. HAVE YOU HEARD? Our incredible speaker line-up is sure to educate, encourage, inspire, and activate YOU and your friends, to have a greater impact for good – just in time for the coming NOVEMBER ELECTIONS!  Don’t miss out on the best and most effective gathering of grassroots Americans in St. Louis September 26-28, 2024! EAGLE COUNCIL 52!
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