As summer comes to a close and Election Day approaches, volunteers across our movement are digging into exciting work to build a future free from gun violence.
Read on to find out what we've been up to this summer and what's ahead this fall.
From the Field: Moms Demand Action
We're celebrating a big victory in Delaware: Governor John Carney signed four life-saving bills into law last month!
This life-saving legislation will help keep guns out of the hands of people in crisis, require secure gun storage in cars, prohibit guns on college campuses, and secure ammunition behind the counters at gun stores.
This work wouldn't have been possible without gun sense legislators and our fearless Delaware volunteers, who fought tirelessly for this victory in addition to a landmark permit to purchase bill signed into law earlier this year.
Want to make your state safer? Get involved with your local chapter of Moms Demand Action today.
From the Field: Students Demand Action
Students can decide our future with this election. On November 5, we're mobilizing to vote out gun extremists and elect leaders who represent young people.
Ready to take action? Here's how students can get involved:
1. Register to vote or double-check your voter registration if you're already registered. Text REGISTER to 644-33.
2. Join a virtual Elections Workshop to become an expert in elections work! Text WORKSHOP TO 644-33.
3. Host a voter registration drive! We'll send you shirts, stickers, social media graphics, and more! Text DRIVE to 644-33.
Everytown in the News
Freedom is on the ballot this November. That's why at last month's Democratic National Convention, we hosted an event with Planned Parenthood and Governor Gretchen Whitmer to underscore what's at stake this election.
"We know that these two issues come down to our freedoms," said Angela Ferrell-Zabala, executive director of Moms Demand Action, "Our freedom to make our own decisions about our bodies, and our freedom to live safe from gun violence."
Read more in Vanity Fair: "Democrats Say They're the Party of 'Freedom,' Not Republicans."
Good News!
Last week marked our first annual SMART Week. We're working to raise awareness about secure firearm storage and educate people about the simple steps they can take to prevent gun violence in their communities as the school year begins.
Volunteers hosted more than 115 #BeSMART events across the country, featuring gun violence survivors, gun safety advocates, elected leaders, community partners, and more.
We can all be part of the movement to prevent gun violence in our homes, communities, and states. Text SMART to 644-33 to get involved.
Thanks for being a part of this movement,
Everytown for Gun Safety
P.S. Gun extremists in Congress are attacking a rule that would close a loophole allowing unlicensed sellers to sell guns at gun shows and online without background checks. This is your final chance to send your message to let your lawmakers know you're counting on them to protect this critical rule.
