News from Representative Allred

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April 30, 2020

Dear John,

I know we’re all anxious to get back to normal and get our economy back up and running, but we need a plan to do so safely that doesn’t put our region further at risk of COVID-19. 

I want to know where you stand. Hearing from you allows me to better reflect North Texas values in Congress. Take my quick survey below.

Do you agree? We need to dramatically expand testing, contact tracing, and treatment in order to safely reopen our economy.

YES          NO
*By participating in the survey you will receive periodic updates from Rep. Allred.

We need a plan, not a date in order to reopen. We must first ramp up testing and contact tracing for COVID-19, as it can spread without symptoms, making it difficult to track. Our economic future is tied to our public health response and until communities have adequate testing, social distancing and staying home are the best tools we have in stopping the spread. This is why I recently voted for a bipartisan agreement to increase testing and provide hospitals with additional funds to protect our frontline health workers. 

This week I held a virtual round table discussion with the Dallas Regional Chamber, where I heard from over one hundred business owners and local leaders. In addition, I have heard from folks across North Texas who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic in many different ways. 

Our small business owners and workers are hurting through no fault of their own, and so many are bearing the economic brunt of the necessary closures. This virus has turned our world upside down - especially for our essential workers, who are experiencing anxiety as they put their lives on the line, for students and teachers making the switch to distance learning, and for single mothers who are struggling to put food on the table. 

I will continue to work with Democrats and Republicans in Congress and at the local level to ensure we have the testing in place so our economy can safely reopen as soon as possible. 

For a directory of helpful coronavirus resources, please visit my website: or give my office a call at (972) 972-7949. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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