There is no plan for schools to reopen this year. Therefore we must adapt and adjust to the situation in order to provide each child the education they deserve.

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Monthly Education Update
April 30, 2020
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Seattle Public Schools Bureaucracy Lets Students Down

In one of the world’s great technology hubs, housing tech giants Amazon and Microsoft, how do efforts to invest in technology needed for student learning find consistent roadblocks? Because school districts are set up as centralized bureaucratic institutions. The system leads to a large number of people being employed and little work getting done that actually advances the education of students.

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Reopen Schools State by State

The various sectors of our economy are linked together. As one cog moves, the rest begin to turn. However, one state may be ready for the shift while others have longer to wait. Therefore, states need to consider their local conditions in how and when they reopen to reduce the possibility of a rebound of the virus.

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Online School and the Possible Rural Fallout

After this coronavirus crisis passes, the United States has the unique opportunity to confront our technological shortfalls within rural areas. Ignoring this segment of our society will leave millions far behind.

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Schools Fundamentally Unchanged Since 1918

Even with the copious amount of information we can access, our schools continue to emphasize uniformity and restrict out-of-the-box thinking, leaving little room for new technological teaching techniques and innovation.

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