Three days to demonstrate the broken system, upgrading democracy for a better future for everyone.

Hello John,

Last weekend we highlighted the corruption in our current political system and how Citizens' Assemblies could provide the way to upgrade our democracy.

The action begun on Thursday evening with a quotation from a book projected on to the castle walls.

Projection of quote by King Charles on the side of Windsor Castle

Leading by example
Hundreds of people took part in a ‘Massembly’ opposite Windsor Castle, a huge community assembly to discuss effective measures for democratic reform.

Making the headlines
Media coverage of Upgrade Democracy reached tens of millions of people across the UK.

Powering the movement
An incredible response to our call for donations, with over £64,000 raised so far - and
donation matching is still open.

After months of preparation behind the scenes from every UK team and many local groups it was time for action! A small crew set up the fabulous campsite with a big tent for breakfast and dinner, solar panels, toilets, wellbeing gazebo, a stage and more!

Upgrade Democracy large banner at entrance to campsite

Special guests arrive on site!

Fancy dress Charles and Camila - skipping across the campsite.

Friday - The System is Broken

Oil slicks and parade of oily money guests on the Long Walk.

Eight 'oil-slick' black cloaked performers
Parade of oily money characters behind The System is Broken banner
Bankers with cash and oily champagne

Saturday - Upgrade Democracy

The postbox was filled with letters to King Charles and then we marched to town.

Young child with face painted posting a letter to the King in the pink letterbox
Piper leads march with yellow flags through Windsor streets
'May Day' morris dancers in front of castle gates
Postbox in front of castle gates with Upgrade Democracy banners
Close up of bright yellow owl on top of pink postbox

The council took the letterbox (and the owl) - we're asking for our property back and for the letters to be delivered!

Postbox being carried in to a council van and taken away

The 'Massembly' - an ambitious outdoor, plus simultaneous online community assembly to discuss "How might we take meaningful steps to Upgrade Democracy?"

'Massembly' yellow banner on the Long Walk
Group discussions on the grass of the Long Walk

Sunday - Another World is Possible

We need a better future for all generations and we need to face the bold decisions needed together in a fair and democratic way.

Young activists holder the Another World is Possible banner
Women dressed as suffragettes

Ecological collapse, due to the climate crisis and a destructive, polluting, fossil-fuelled economic system is something that will affect us all. 

A die-in on the street in front of castle

With creativity and humour we face the injustices of the current system.

Justice system 'unfair' theatrical game

Together, another world is possible.

We have to be here - it's for all life on Earth banner
Choose your Future banner back at camp with singer and guitar

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered, donated and spread the word to make Upgrade Democracy so spectacular.

Your contributions help us plan and promote large-scale actions like Upgrade Democracy, making our actions and events creative, safe and accessible to as many people as possible. Double your donation to double your impact today and help grow the movement!

Love and Rage,
XR UK Fundraising 


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