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Resources of the Month

The National Constitution Center offers hundreds of resources for teachers to bring the Constitution to their classrooms. As we begin the new school year, we’re highlighting some of our popular resources and how our teachers are using them. You can find all of our resources on our Classroom Resources Library.

The Debates

Nathan Salamone


Teacher Advisory Council Member

How do you use this resource in your classroom?

I use The Debates for my equal rights units by having students analyze the differing perspectives through taking notes while describing what they see, think, and wonder about four to five images.  

They then write and rank the pro- and anti- component of several cartoons ultimately explaining which pro- and anti- argument they felt was the most compelling. Students can share results with a turn-and-talk activity or small group discussion.  

Finally, I encourage students to design a cartoon (or write out what one would look like) about a topic they care about, then write the pro- and anti- sides to consider how all people might feel about their topic.

The multifaceted learning approach engages both visual and auditory learners as well as those who enjoy reading. It is a great resource either for the classroom or potentially for an assignment outside of the school. As an added bonus, it gets my kids excited for our trip to the Constitution Center and to view The 19th Amendment exhibit!


In Their Own Words

Anne Schmitt

Barrington, Illinois

Teacher Advisory Board Member

How do you use this resource in your classroom?

When we are studying the impact of Reconstruction, the students enjoy hearing the voices of the former enslaved people. It helps to personalize the history by hearing actual people and their experiences.


Back-to-School Resources

Scholar Exchanges

Our Scholar Exchanges give students the opportunity to discuss constitutional topics with a lawyer, judge, or constitutional scholar and their peers from around the country. In this setting, students gain deeper constitutional understanding and engage in enhanced civil discourse.

Sessions are free and open to classes ranging from elementary school to college.

Select topics are offered at any time throughout the year. Additional topics are featured on a monthly or seasonal basis.

Sessions are scheduled on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at times that work for teachers and their students. When at all possible, classes are scheduled with other grade-level appropriate groups from around the country to increase opportunities for students to engage with other students of different perspectives.

If you have any questions as you schedule your Scholar Exchange, please feel free to reach out to the Education team at


Constitution Day at the National Constitution Center

The National Constitution Center’s annual Constitution Day celebration is the biggest Constitution Day celebration in the country—and a great way to kick off the academic year! In September 1787, the Founders signed the most influential document in American history, the U.S. Constitution. Commemorate this historic day online or at the museum!

Civic Stories With Justice Neil M. Gorsuch

Tuesday, September 17 | 11:15 a.m. ET

The Honorable Neil M. Gorsuch, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and NCC honorary co-chair, joins National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen for a discussion on his new book, interesting details from his career, the important role played by the judiciary, and what it’s like to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.


Launch of the Constitution 101 Student Course in Partnership With Khan Academy

Tuesday, September 17 | 1 p.m. ET

Join National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen and Khan Academy founder Sal Khan for the launch of our Constitution 101 student course developed in partnership with the Khan Academy. This student-mastery course is designed to empower students with a deeper understanding of the Constitution and its impact on their lives. Moderated by Ohio high school educator Amy Elsass, this special Constitution Day event will feature questions from students from around the country and will explore the importance of civil dialogue and how to think like a constitutional scholar, as well as address timely constitutional questions related to student free speech, AI, and elections.


We invite students and educators to submit questions for Sal and Jeff. Please email questions to with the subject: Constitution Day Event Question. Note student’s name, grade, teacher, school, and location.

Preamble Reading

Tuesday, September 17 | 9 a.m. ET

Join the staff of the National Constitution Center—plus some special guests—live from the museum’s front lawn, as we kick off the day with a reading of the Preamble to the Constitution.


Constitution Day Naturalization Ceremony

Tuesday, September 17 | 9:30 a.m. ET

Every September 17 we celebrate Constitution Day as well as Citizenship Day, a holiday meant to honor and celebrate the privileges and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship for both native-born and naturalized citizens. In recognition of this special observance, the National Constitution Center hosts an annual Naturalization Ceremony as part of our Constitution Day celebrations, during which 50 immigrants from across the globe will take the Oath of Allegiance to officially become citizens of the United States. The Honorable John R. Padova, senior judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, will preside over the ceremony. National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen will offer remarks and MSNBC host and NCC Trustee Ali Velshi will give the keynote address.


A Conversation With Opal Lee: Juneteenth and the Constitution

Tuesday, September 17 | Noon ET

Students are invited to join Opal Lee—known as the “grandmother of Juneteenth” for her efforts to get the holiday federally recognized—for a special Constitution Day celebration exploring themes of freedom, equality, and storytelling. Together we will examine the debates over slavery at the Constitutional Convention, the role of the amendment process in abolishing slavery, and the many ways we can share the stories of the past. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions, share insights, and explore the connections between storytelling and history. Miss Opal will join the conversation to share her role in the establishment of Juneteenth as a national holiday and answer student questions. We’ll conclude our time together with a special activity analyzing the portrait of Opal Lee that hangs in the National Portrait Gallery.


Presented in partnership with the Annenberg Public Policy Center, National Portrait Gallery, and National Constitution Center.

There’s still time to plan a trip to the National Constitution Center with free admission courtesy of PECO! Contact to plan your Constitution Day visit.

Constitution Day Resources

Find essential Constitution Day resources, including the primary source materials in our Founders’ Library, classroom activities, and previous event videos on our Constitution Day Resources page. 


Thank you for being part of our community of educators. If you have any questions we’d love to hear from you. Please email the education team at

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