News from Representative Hayes

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Dear John,

On Labor Day, we honor the labor movement that has helped achieve monumental progress for the American workforce. 

Declared a national holiday in 1894, today we celebrate the significant contributions American workers and labor unions have made to advance American well-being and economic prosperity. 

As Vice Ranking Member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, I am dedicated to safeguarding full labor protections for workers and their families.


During my time in Congress, I have sponsored and cosponsored legislation to address labor concerns of workers across every industry.

I am a cosponsor of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which strengthens the power of American workers to stand together, form a union and hold companies accountable for violating workers’ rights. The legislation includes my amendment which ensures the ability of new, voluntarily recognized unions to negotiate on behalf of their members for a reasonable time-period, without the threat of decertification. We must continue to work to get this bill across the finish line. 

I also introduced of the Tipped Worker Protection Act, legislation to ensure tipped workers across Connecticut and the nation receive their full tips in addition to the federal minimum wage, assuring that all tips are retained by employees.  

Additionally, I am the co-lead of the Raise the Wage Act, legislation to gradually raise the minimum wage to $17 by 2028, increasing paychecks for millions of American workers to support their families, giving roughly 28 million Americans a raise. 

Further, I voted in favor of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), an infrastructure bill creating high paying jobs, to help repair and improve Connecticut's highways, bridges, rail, public transportation, and water infrastructure.   

The bill represents the largest reinvestment in transportation infrastructure, in more than two decades. The act also includes resources to improve high-speed internet access, and waterway in Connecticut. 
My office has heard from thousands of constituents seeking substantive legislation to address the economy. Every worker deserves to operate in a safe workplace and earn a fair, competitive wage. 

During the 117th Congress, I joined my colleagues in passing the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act to make robust investments in science and technology for American consumers and creates 100,000 new jobs at high-technology facilities, which helps to diversify the pipeline of students entering the STEM workforce. 

Additionally, we passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which provides groundbreaking protections for pregnant, postpartum, and pumping workers, including the right to take time off to recover from birth. The law allows pregnant workers to now see their rights respected in the workplace. Pregnant workers deserve access to adequate accommodations to continue to perform well in their roles.

Today I joined Newtown for the annual Labor Day Parade. For the past 62 years, this event has been a staple for the community. Recognizing our unsung heroes, together we honor the achievements and fortitude of American workers.   
Throughout the day, I interacted with the workers who fuel our country, who each shared the significance of Labor Day. This year,
the Newtown Labor Day Parade Committee selected Jim and Sue Shortt, owners of Shortt’s Farm in Sandy Hook, as their 2024 Grand Marshals. Earlier this year, the Shortt’s family farm became U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified, noting almost three decades of organic farming in the Fifth District. 
As you celebrate Labor Day, take time to reflect on the 40-hour work week, weekends, overtime, safety standards and all the benefits we enjoy from the hard-fought battles of the American Labor movement.

Jahana Hayes  
Member of Congress 


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