
While the whole world endures historic sacrifices to save every human life possible, the Pro-Abortion Left is fighting tooth-and-nail to keep killing as many unborn babies as possible.

Texas Values is leading the fight to stop the radical abortionists and protect unborn children in Texas. Will you help us with an immediate gift today, before the end of April?

Help Us Keep Saving The Unborn>>>

It all began with Governor Greg Abbott’s safety order halting abortions, along with other unnecessary medical procedures, during the COVID-19 crisis.

However, this simple, safety-first logic was lost on Planned Parenthood, which promptly filed a barrage of lawsuits against Texas and in the process, revealed something truly repulsive about their movement...

Apparently nothing––not even a global pandemic that has nearly shut down the world––is more important to the Left than killing unborn children.

The good news is we are winning and saving lives! 

Texas Values jumped into this fight from the start: we gathered a coalition of 13 state and national pro-life organizations for a powerful Friend of the Court legal brief supporting Gov. Abbott’s life saving executive order.

The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has now repeatedly ruled in our favor, upholding Gov. Abbott’s executive order––despite repeated failed attempts from Planned Parenthood.

We praise God that almost all elective abortions have been banned in Texas during the current COVID-19 pandemic – thousands of lives have been saved!

Unfortunately, that same coronavirus crisis has impacted our efforts to raise needed support for our nonprofit work during these last two months.

We must save lives and stop this bloodthirsty movement from succeeding. If you are able, please make the most generous, tax-deductible gift you can––today––as we fight to save lives across Texas!

If everyone that reads this email and is able to give, made a donation of $50, $25, or even $10we could meet our budget needs for April.

Together, what we accomplish could help save more lives in Texas than what COVID-19 will take.


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values

P.S. We are saving thousands of lives in Texas. That’s why, if you’re able, I strongly urge you to make your most generous gift possible today. Thank you in advance––and be blessed with good health.

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.
