Announcing: The Big Send!

Dear Vote Forward Friends,

We are excited to announce the launch of our largest campaign ever: The Big Send. 

We’re inviting you to become a Big Sender to help voters all over the country make their voices heard this November. With fewer than 200 days left until the General Election, we are partnering with an amazing group of grassroots organizations to write and stockpile 10 MILLION turnout letters to voters to send in October.

For the launch of The Big Send, we are proud to partner with our friends at Swing Left, Indivisible, People For the American Way, Daily Kos, Women’s March Foundation, genEquality, Democracy in Color, and Stand Up America.

For those who are ready and able to encourage our fellow Americans to vote with heartfelt letters, The Big Send campaign awaits! Volunteers have already written nearly 1 million turnout letters for the November election through Vote Forward. Will YOU join The Big Send to increase voter turnout?

Join Today

Let’s get writing!

Scott & the Vote Forward team

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