This Labor Day, we're taking a moment to honor and celebrate the dedication, resilience, and strength of the working people who shape our nation daily.
The Washington State Senate Democratic Caucus is unwavering in our commitment to workers' rights and a fair economy. We proudly stand with workers across our state and country, recognizing that your tireless efforts drive progress and innovation. We take pride in advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and opportunity for all, and we will continue to fight for these principles.
In the last session, we made significant strides in workers' rights. We expanded the Equal Pay and Opportunities Act, giving the state more tools to protect workers from earning less based on age, race, disability, or other protected class status. We passed the Employee Free Choice Act, banning union-busting tactics like "captive audience" meetings where employers force workers to listen to anti-labor messaging. We improved Washington's paid sick leave law and prohibited mandatory overtime for healthcare workers. These are not just laws but symbols of our commitment to a fair and just future for all workers.
Today, let's reflect on our progress and the work still ahead of us. It's important to remember that this progress is not just the result of our efforts but also your support and dedication. Together, we can ensure that every worker has a chance to thrive, that workers' rights are protected, and that our economy works for everyone, not just the wealthy few.
In Washington, we know you can have a thriving business climate AND protect worker's rights with the third-highest union membership in the nation.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to a brighter future for all. Rest assured, we remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting workers' rights and ensuring a fair and just economy for everyone.
In Solidarity,